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1. Why are movie file sizes higher than available on other sites?
We use the best settings to convert the file. We use a bitrate of 180kbps for the videos so that the quality remains watchable even on bigger screen mobile. Also higher bitrate helps in case of high motions scenes.
2. How to stream movies online through a smartphone?
Android: MxPlayer is the best option to stream movies online through a Android cell phone.
Click on the Download Link > When a box pop up select MxPlayer and the movie will start streaming as soon as it loads
3. How to stream movies online through a PC?
The file are available in basically 2 formats, 3gp and mp4.
3gp is best suited for basic mobile phones. It will ideally play on all mobiles and has the lowest size. We convert them using the mpeg4 codec with a bitrate of approx 180k. The audio is of 32k, optimum for mobile phones.

Mp4 is available in 2 forms. We use the h264 codec, considered one of the best, for converting videos. The first form is
a) baseline (regular) - It would support all phones which are capable of playing h264 level 1.3 file formats. We use 210k bitrate and have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and scale of 480x270 for the videos. This format is best for medium range phones. All Android and Apple phones would support this format.

b) High mp4 (best quality). This is converted with bitrate of 250k using h264 high profile. The best quality video and is best for high end phones, tablets, ipads and even a pc. Converted in 640x scale.

Check this page to know if your mobile supports the baseline or the High mp4 format.
4. Supported player for Android.
We recommend MxPlayer which is available in Play Store(AKA Android Market) which is a free application and compatible with all Android Devices.
5. Supported player for Blackberry.
We recommend Mobiola xPlayer Lite which is available in App World, It is a free application and compatible with all Blackberry Devices.
6. Supported player for iPhone/ iPad/ iPod.
We recommend Air Video Free which is available in iTunnes, It is a free application and compatible with all Apple's i Devices.
7. Supported player Nokia Symbian 3rd & 5th Edition.
We recommend July Player which is available at, It is a free application and compatible with all Nokia Symbian 3rd & 5th Edition. Devices.
8. How to stream movies online through a PC?
There are several ways to streat(watch) movies online. Here are some
VLC: You can even watch movies by using VLC Media Player
Open VLC Media Player > Media > Open Network Streaming and then paste the download link of the movie you wish to watch, thats it...Movie will start streaming as soon as it loads.

Flash Player: You can even watch movies by using Flash Player
NOTE:Google Chrome does not require Flash Player as it has inbuild flash player.
Other browser such as Firefox, Safari, Opera may be needing flash player to stream movies online
Once who have installed flash player you just need to do is click on the download link..Movie will start streaming in Browser it self.

Quick Time: You can even watch movies by using Quick Time
Quike Time installs in every browser by it self, Soo once who have installed Quick Time you just need to do is click on the download link..Movie will start streaming in Browser it self.
9. Where can I mail for further questions?
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